Yesterday, I had to visit an arqueological site located in Chiripa. After travelling by bus about two hours and other hours walking unfortunately, I couldn´t visit it because it was closed. Instead I could enjoy a beautiful landscape. Chiripa is on the border of Wiñay Marka which is known as the minor Lake within Titicaca Lake.
Cristina, your gorgeous photos fill me with wanderlust....
If Cristina's great photos are enough to get your juices flowing--wait until you see Bolivia in person. I guarantee it will blow your mind!
IMNSHO, Bolivia and her wondrous people form the most-amazing nation on earth--even while being the poorest in SA.
What is most difficult for me to contemplate, is how different Bolivia would be had the Spanish followed by the capitalist multi nationalists not pillaged and raped Bolivia of her natural resources for the past 500 years.
My greatest hope is that Evo Morales is strong enough to put an end to it all, and that all Bolivians finally find freedom.
christina, i was going to say same-same...and your photos are like a breathe of fresh, blue air...and they keep getting better and better...looking forward to more! kbw
If some day you come,you will have the oppotunity to see many other beautiful places.
From time to time, I will adding more pictures.
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