
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


A river crosses the south part of La Paz. This river used to be clean but now, it is polluted with chemicals that some industries throw to it. I think something similar or perhaps worse happens in other parts of the world.
How different it is to be in the middle of a blue sky and a blue lake, than to be in front of a polluted sky and a polluted river.
We are on time to do something for our pachamama, our mother earth.
Andean indigenous cultures call pachamama to the earth and it is perceived as a mother since, she provides all of us all we need to live.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Since yesterday morning, April 9th., President Evo Morales Ayma is on hunger strike at the Government House at Murillo´s Square in La Paz, Bolivia. Today he said that he will continue on strike together with leaders of Conalcam and Cob which represent the most important organizations in Bolivia until the Congress aproves the transitory electoral Law. According to transitory dispositions of the new Bolivian Constitution Congress had 60 days to approve the electoral law. This time limit finished last Wednesday April 8th.
For more than 20 hours members of the Congress were debating without arriving to a decision, and members of the Senate integrated mostly by members of the opposition decided to abandon the session last Thursday night. It was supposed to reinitate session this morning but it was suspended because members of the opossiton were absent, however, it was declared other interval until seven o´clock today Friday 10th.
Today, at aproximately 14:00 President Morales said the aproval of the Electoral Law is important since it will allow to develop elections next December 8th. If approved this law, next December bolivians will be electing members of the first Plurinational Assembly according to the new Constitution. Other important aspect of the Electoral Law is that it will allow for the first time the vote of bolivians living abroad.
Social organizations are expecting what is going to happen this evening. Meanwhile, aproximately 30 groups of hunger strikers have been installed in different cities of Bolivia in support to the decision taken by President Morales and to demand the approval of the Electoral Law.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Music and dance that belong to the northern part of Potosí. Potosi is one of the cities of Bolivia. They are singing using quechua, one of the indigenous languages in the bolivian Andes.


Yesterday, early in the morning President Evo Morales, Vicepresident Alvaro Garcia, all the Ministers and Viceministers departed from Tiquina Strait to Sun Island in Titicaca Lake on a ship built by the loca navy. The purpose of this travel along the Lake was twofold. For one part, to promote the Titicaca Lake as a natural wonder of the world and for other part, to work in order to decide some policies that could help empoverished population.
During the whole day in downtown La Paz, people were voting for Titicaca Lake and at Sun Island President Morales and all the State autohorities voted too. According to results, this Lake is occupying the first place in the category F about rivers and lakes. If you want to collaborate with your vote you can follow the link Titicaca Lake.
As mentioned, three resolutions were taken as a result of the meeting developed along the travel. One is the Decree about creation of the National Council of Cultures. Other Decree is concerned with a bonus to be given to pregnant women and to children between 0-2 years. During, his speech President Morales, remarked the decolonization process that is living Bolivia and an important part of this process is to recover the knowledge, history, literature, music and dance left by our ancestors.
Titicaca Lake has a special energy, energy which I hope could have filled in the hearts of our governors to continue working to benefit all the bolivian population.

Following the steps of my ancestors

To the Amazon